How can English Speech and Drama help children build confidence?

English Speech and Drama has the power to help children build their confidence, like a castle standing strong and tall. It provides learning opportunities to grow and develop, giving them the courage to face life’s challenges both big and small.

English Speech and Drama is a great tool for helping children build confidence. Through activities such as speaking, reciting poetry, or performing the storybook, students are able to practice public speaking, which can help them become more comfortable in front of others.

Comfortably sharing opinions

English Speech and Drama can be a great way to help children improve their public speaking skills. Speech and Drama classes allow children to practice their communication skills in a safe, supportive environment. Through these classes, children can learn how to express themselves clearly and confidently, as well as build their self-confidence.

They can learn how to use their voice effectively, project their voice, and control their breathing. They can also practice using facial expressions and body language to convey their message. Through these classes, children can also learn how to structure their thoughts and organize their ideas in a clear, concise manner.

Not just speaking, Speech and Drama classes can also help children develop better listening skills. ACTs of life English and Drama curriculum developed a discipline system using “Quiet, Ready, Listen” flashcards to reinforce children’s listening skills and their ability to focus. With this system, they can learn how to concentrate on what others are saying and respond appropriately. 

ACTs of life’s Discipline System helps children enhance their listening and concentrate skills

Listening is an important skill for public speaking, as it allows them to engage with the audience and understand what they need to do in order to effectively communicate their message.

Becoming a team player

English Speech and Drama can be an effective way to help children develop teamwork skills. Speech and Drama classes provide a safe and supportive environment for children to practice working together. Through activities such as improvisation, games, and group projects, children learn how to collaborate and communicate effectively with their peers.

Improvisation is an important part of speech and drama classes. It requires children to think quickly on their feet and work together to create a story or scene. For example, in ACTs of life’s Peter Rabbit English Speech and Drama class, children will take turn to become Peter Rabbit, Mother Rabbit or Mr. McGregor and act out the story together. 

This teaches them the importance of listening to each other’s ideas and responding in a positive way. It also encourages them to think creatively, which can help them come up with solutions to problems.

Thinking “out-of-the-box”

English Speech and Drama helps children increase their vocabulary and expand their creative thinking. By engaging in imaginative stories, children can learn to express themselves more freely and think more creatively. In ACTs of life’s English Speech and Drama classes, children are encouraged to take part in hands-on experiences like crafting and acting out the story with props (soft-toys, coloured cloth/cords, picture cards, etc.).

By participating in activities such as improvisation and theatre games, children can practice building self-confidence by taking risks, being creative, and trying new things. 

In ACTs of life’s English Speech and Drama classes, children are encouraged to take part in fun hands-on experiences

Developing “can-do” attitude

Speech and drama activities help children become more comfortable with taking risks. They have the opportunities to learn how to try new things without worrying about making mistakes or being judged. This helps them to become more willing to take risks in other areas of their life, which can lead to a “can-do” attitude.

Help your child build confidence with ACTs of life English Speech and Drama Curriculum

ACTs of life provides English Speech and Drama Curriculum to help children Think Smart – Act Smart – Speak Smart with the 4P’s Methodology (Plan, Prepare, Practice, Perform). Our curriculum incorporates famous global storybooks, educational music videos, matching games, drama activities and so much more. With the use of edtech, our lessons can be done hybridly to help children have fun learning in class, at home or anywhere they want. 

Our curriculum has been successfully applied and taught for kindergarten children for over 20 years, in many preschool chains across Singapore like Cambridge Preschool, My Kiddie Klubhouse, Sunflower Clove, etc.

Learning is so fun with ACTs of life’s English and Drama Curriculum!

In November 2022, ACTs of life’s curricula are approved by National Arts Council Singapore (NAC) to be the Arts Education Programmes for schools in Singapore from 2023-2025. 

In conclusion, English speech and drama can be a great way to help children build confidence. It encourages them to express themselves creatively, practice communication skills, develop critical thinking skills, and work together as a team. All of these skills are essential for success in life, so it is important for children to have the opportunity to participate in English speech and drama activities. With the right guidance and support, these activities can help children become more confident individuals who are better prepared for the future.

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